VIOR conducted first of its kind intercollegiate optometry quiz, Vasan EyeQ, on 25 th March 2018. Prof. Dr. T. Balasubramaniam, MS, DLO, Registrar, the Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, graced the occasion as chief guest. Teams from 22 colleges across India participated in the event. Top 5 teams were selected based on a written preliminary quiz.
Vasan Institute of Ophthalmology & Research, Chennai, won the first prize, 20,000 ₹
Elite School of Optometry won the second prize, 15,000 ₹
Sankara College of Optometry, Bengaluru won the third prize, 10,000 ₹

Vasan Institute of Ophthalmology and Research
Affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
A perfect place to have holistic education combined with real experience