At Vasan, we provide you with a wide variety of opportunities to enrich your student life and experience. You will be provided with opportunities to attend various guest lectures, special conferences and field visits. Your student life is also vibrant with participating in various cultural, technical and knowledge forums and events from time-to-time.
Frequently Asked Questions

As a student at Vasan institute of ophthalmology and research, the most valuable aspect of my education was not only the sheer volume of patient encounters, but the quality of clinical instruction and the amount of learning I gained from every patient encounter. I feel very fortunate to have been so thoroughly prepared for clinical practice by some of the brightest and most passionate instructors. There is no doubt that VIOR provides excellent classroom education, but what truly sets VIOR apart from similar professional schools is the clinical experience the students gain by the end of their four years.

I am grateful to Vasan Institute Of Ophthalmology and Research. The knowledge that I have gained from VIOR will be with me in the rest of my life… Excellent faculties available for the students for gaining knowledge…
If a person choose a right path success will reach them. I have choose a right path in VIOR..

Vasan Institute of Ophthalmology and Research (VIOR), Chennai is what welcomes us- students, on our first day of college. Once there, it doesn’t take long to feel at home with friendly faculty and friends. The dedication showed by faculties keeps us motivated in reaching our goals. Faculties are easily approachable to clarify our doubts and are always ready to help. I had a great experience and learned a lot. I had plenty of opportunities to practice taking histories or performing the various tests/exams. I became very comfortable talking with patients and enjoyed seeing what i was learning in class being used in a clinical setting. Faculties are always encouraging and challenged me to learn more every day. I’m really proud to be part of this institution and hope to make the best out of my learning here.